There are as many different reasons for removal of tattoos as there are for tattoo acquisition. People get tattoos all the time. Some do it more consciously than others. However, many who have even thought about it for a long time still regret their tattoo after a while and end up removing it.
Here are some of the more evident reasons why people get tattooed and why they remove their tattoos:
1. Vow to a loved one. Sometimes people stamp the name of a loved one on their skin. It represents a vow of fidelity to that person. Blinded by love? Well, yes. So when the romance ends, the tattoo is still there. And when you move on to another relationship, it is not so cool to have a tattoo with someone else’s name.
2. Gang related affiliation. Some people join street gangs and it is the custom to tattoo the name of that gang on themselves. This again represents their vow to their affiliation with that group. Again, many people outgrow this association and get out of these gangs. Having these tattoos is not a great way of being accepted in society.
3. Rebellion. Many people go through a stage of rebellion, especially in their teen years, and into their twenties. They get a tattoo as a sign of rebelliousness and of breaking away from society. Later on, they grow up and sometimes reconcile themselves with society and become an integral part of it. Their tattoo is part of their past which they have outgrown.
4. Peer pressure. Some people feel it’s the in thing to get a tattoo because many of their friends are getting them. It’s the cool thing to do. They might enjoy their tattoo. However, later on they might get involved in a relationship with someone who doesn’t really like tattoos and who feels that tattoos carry a negative social stigma. They often face pressure from this person to remove their tattoo.
5. Personal Identity. Some people need to feel some level of personal identity and uniqueness and this makes them acquire a tattoo. There is a sense of having your own body art which satisfies this feeling. After a while, this person doesn’t need to feel that sense of uniqueness anymore, or to be identified with this body art. They come to regret having done this permanent inking on their body.
6. Spiritual Symbolims. Tattoos convey inner meanings that people identify with. Sometimes they can convey dreams, feelings, or fantasies. As you evolve, what once had meaning to you may no longer hold any meaning.
In short, whether it is to commemorate an occasion, to remember a person, for the art, or for the meaning, people get tattoos for millions of reasons. It is a fad, but one which has been around for quite a while.
Removal of tattoos is on the rise. Fifty percent of those who get tattooed end up removing their tattoo. Since tattoos are meant to be permanent, tattoo removal is not guaranteed. There are many methods of tattoo removal, and each one works differently.
Learn about 15 different methods for removal of tattoos, and which one would work for you. Don’t suffer with that unwanted tattoo anymore. Once you know your options, you will be able to make a good decision and remove your tattoo once and for all.